

 Let's explore!

We created this website as a guide of sorts. 100 places that we feel are worth seeing in Oregon. We love our state and it is a challenge limiting the list to 100 places. Others’ lists may be different from ours and we recognize that. This is the opinion of two people with a zeal for travel and a desire to encourage other Oregonians to explore their state, and maybe even draw visitors from further away.

Here is a secret, even we don’t know what all 100 places will be. The list is evolving in our minds, and as we decide on each new entry, you’ll see it here. The adventure is in the evolution, one place may inspire another. We aren’t following a trail, we’re just finding the places that inspire us. In our free time we’ll gradually visit and revisit spots to get a fresh perspective, take fresh photos and enjoy the places we love!

Oregon is a vast and geographically diverse state. We love all of it: from the Pacific shores to the Cascades, from the high desert to canyons, the spectacle of Oregon is endless. Most of the places on the list will be of natural beauty as Oregon has natural beauty in spades. There are a few man made and commercial spots deserving of a place on the list as well.

We began this project while driving to the Alvord desert. We were talking about all the adventures we should go on in Oregon, but we’re busy and we forget things. We get caught up in our lives. As much as we seek to inspire others to see Oregon, 100 places is selfish. It is an excuse to make time to seek out adventure together.